Prof. Maria Kuman1*
1Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN, USA
*Corresponding Author: Prof. Maria Kuman, PhD, Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN, USA;
Email: [email protected]
Published Date: 29-04-2022
Copyright© 2022 by Kuman M. All rights reserved. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
What have we done to our Earth and its atmosphere to suffer a long-lasting global warming and a long-lasting Pandemic? Is it only the increased Carbone dioxide in the atmosphere to blame, which resulted from the use of coal, gas, and gasoline or there is more to it? I think there is more to it and that is why I am writing this article, which is about the shrinking of our atmosphere seen by our satellites and caused by human activity like HARP. There will be another article about the warming caused by the high frequency microwaves used for our 5G fast internet and their possible influence on the viruses and the ability of our immune system to defend us.
Climate; Atmospheric Changes; Atmospheric Pollutions; Mutating Viruses; HARP-Caused Changes
I explained 3 years ago that the last global warming was caused by overlapping of the maxima of two cycles of solar activity, the maximum of the small 11-year cycle of solar activity and the maximum of the long 2,562.5-year cycle of solar activity (according to study of the glaciers) [1]. I predicted that the alignment of 7 planets on one side of the Sun on December 21, 2020, is expected to end the global warming because the summed up magnetic moments of 7 planets aligned at one side of the Sun would perturb the Sun asymmetrically and cause flipping of the magnetic poles of the Sun. This means the Sun will stop spinning clockwise and sucking energy (which makes it active) and will start spinning counterclockwise and loosing energy (which will end the solar activity). So, the global warming was supposed to end on December 21, 2020.
Is It Global Warming?
All governments on Earth presently think that we have global warming because with our earthly activities we have increased the amount of CO2 in the Earth atmosphere. Based on this believe, all governments are pressed to take crucial measures to decrease the amount of CO2 by stopping or dramatically reducing the use of natural gas, gasoline and coal. We are not ready for this and this will ruin the economy of all countries because our economies very strongly depend on the used energy sources gas, gasoline and coal; when their prices go up, all the prices go up and inflation takes place. That is why it is essential to know if only the CO2 is what causes the climate warming. If only CO2 was causing the warming, our summers would be warmer and our winters would be warmer, as it was when we had the global warming. However, this is not the case now.
In the last two years our summers are warmer, but our winters are cooler. Also, we see on TV on satellites’ photos of the Earth that the hole over the Arctic Pole is much bigger in size, which means that our atmosphere is shrinking. At the same time, we see the Coronavirus actively mutating into new forms. This means that more solar particles are reaching the Earth and causing these mutations, which indicates that our atmosphere is thinner. A thinner atmosphere means more solar energy will be reaching the Earth during the summer, which will result in warmer summers and more energy would be leaving the Earth during the winter, which will result in colder winters. What have we done to cause thinning and shrinking of Earth’s atmosphere?
Is Earth’s Atmosphere Thinning and Why?
Our Earth has atmosphere because it has magnetic field. The magnetic field of the Earth has caught a lot of ions from the solar radiation, forming the earth “ionosphere”, which is like a donut around the Earth (Fig. 1). It is called Allan Belt. It is our protective shield from solar radiation and it holds the Earth atmosphere. If the magnetic field of our Earth would collapse, the Earth atmosphere would be blown away by the strong solar winds of an active Sun. Look at the old and cold planet Mars, it does not have atmosphere because it does not have magnetic field. When Mars didn’t have any more liquid magma (in which the spinning of the planet induces ring currents creating the planetary magnetic field), Mars lost its magnetic field, which was holding the atmosphere. Once the magnetic field of Mars seized to exist, the solar winds blew its atmosphere and that is why Mars does not have atmosphere.
Some scientists dream of colonizing Mars thinking that they can create atmosphere, but they don’t seem to be aware that without presence of magnetic field on Mars, the solar winds will blow away whatever atmosphere they have created. Also, since we are living on planet with magnetic field, our scientist’s take the magnetic field of Earth for granted and they are not aware that plants wouldn’t grow without magnetic field. So, the Mars “colonizers” wouldn’t be able to grow anything on Mars. But instead of dreaming about Mars colonization, wouldn’t it be better to do our best to preserve the atmosphere and the magnetic field of our planet Earth? Here I am asking again: what have we done to cause the thinning of Earth’s atmosphere, which led to the present hotter summers, colder winters and mutating viruses?
Figure 1: The magnetic field of the Earth.
What Have We Done to Cause the Thinning of Earth’s Atmosphere, Which Led to the Present Hotter Summers, Colder Winters, And Mutating Viruses?
What in our man-made activity caused it? During the global warming period (when our summers were hotter and so were our winters), to decrease the heat and the drought we started spraying with quiet airplanes (stilts) substances that will form clouds. However, to have rain we needed to provide nucleuses of condensation in these clouds. Somebody had the idea that this could be done by shutting at the ionosphere (the Allan belt) with very strong microwave flux, which would cause rain of ions and when these ions pass through the clouds, they would become nucleuses of condensation and create rain. They started doing it and the project was called HARP – High Atmosphere Research Project. It was expected that the Sun would supply more ions to compensate for the ions we have used to create rain [2].
The fact that we now have hotter summers and colder winters (after we have used HARP for a few years) means that our Sun didn’t compensate for the ions we have used to make our artificial rain. As a result of our “smart way” to make artificial rain with the ions of the Allan belt, our Allan belt is getting thinner and our atmosphere is getting thinner. The use of HARP also disturbed the magnetic field of the Earth, which explains the recently observed increased seismic and volcanic activity on Earth. So, with our “smart way” of creating artificial rain – the HARP (project) – we have created a lot of disturbances, which are at the core of our increased seismic and volcanic activity, at the core of our wormer summers and colder winters and at the core of the increased mutation of the viruses of the Pandemic. The use of HARP needs to be stopped immediately – the sooner, the better. If we should have artificial rain, we need to find a different way of doing it. The shrunk atmosphere from the use of HARP leaves a big opening over the northern pole, which makes the permafrost to melt fast under the direct solar rays. This releases a lot of methane, which is 5 times more efficient in warming the climate than the Carbone dioxide.
To stop this wild roller-coaster, we must find a way to replenish the ions in the Allan belt, which we have used to make artificial rain because this is the only way to restore Earth’s normal magnetic field and Earth’s normal atmosphere thickness. This is also the only way to end the Pandemic and bring back the normal climate. Now, when we know that we are not under Damocles’ sward to drastically reduce the use of natural gas, gasoline and coal because CO2 did not create the whole climate change, the Pandemic and the earth disasters, we can look for better cleaner sources of energy, better way to make artificial rain and better ways to restore Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field and save the life on Earth. For this to happen, we need to stop the use of HARP immediately because it endangers the life on Earth.
Conflict of Interest
The author declare that have no competing interest and not any conflict of interest.
- Kuman M. Nonlinear mathematical model explains the global warming. Global J Sci Front Res. 2019;19(10).
- Kramer D. High atmosphere research project. Physics Today. 2019;72(6).
Article Type
Publication History
Received Date: 07-04-2022
Accepted Date: 22-04-2022
Published Date: 29-04-2022
Copyright© 2022 by Kuman M. All rights reserved. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Kuman M. Explaining the Changes in Climate, Earth and Viruses: It is Not Only the Carbone Deoxide to Blaim. J Clin Immunol Microbiol. 2022;3(1):1-5.
Figure 1: The magnetic field of the Earth.