Home » Characterization the Teenage Students from the Schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma” and “Seguidores de Camilo” in Risk about the Drug Consumption
Research Article | Vol. 1, Issue 2 | Journal of Clinical Medical Research | Open Access |
Characterization the Teenage Students from the Schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma” and “Seguidores de Camilo” in Risk about the Drug Consumption
Dania Velázquez Ronda1, Fé Fernández Hernández 1*, Efraín Sánchez González2, Alexis Gil Lans1, Ricardo Izquierdo Medina1
1- Auxiliary Professor, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Medicals Science of Havana, Cuba.
2- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Medicals Science of Havana, Cuba.
*Corresponding Author: Fé Fernández Hernández, Auxiliary Professor, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Medicals Science of Havana, Cuba. E-mail: [email protected]
Citation: Hernández FF, et al. Characterization the Teenage Students from the Schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma” and “Seguidores de Camilo” in Risk about the Drug Consumption. J Clin Med Res. 2020;1(2):1-7.
Copyright© 2020 by Hernández FF, et al. All rights reserved. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Received 16 Apr, 2020 | Accepted 02 May, 2020 | Published 12 May, 2020 |
Background: Teenage people should be sensible to the drugs consumption. This attitude often is related with personal and social problems. This is a multi-social problem present for the Public health, education and families too.
Objective: To characterize the teenage students from the schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma” and “Seguidores de Camilo” in risk about the drug consumption.
Materials and methods: The research was made in the schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma” and “Seguidores de Camilo” from the “10 de Octubre” municipality in 2018. The population was separated in four groups. The group one was for professors from these schools, group two for parents from the teenage asked, the group three for the teenage students and the group four for health workers related with the selected students. Like inclusive criteria for the different groups were assumed the following. Group one and group four: be working at school for at least five years, group two: be parent for some teenage student selected and group three: student from the schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma” or “Seguidores de Camilo” from the “10 de Octubre” municipality in 2018 who had consumed some illegal drug at least one time at life. The group one was selected according to the Snow Ball criteria and for the others groups were selected intentionally. Finally the whole group keeps formed by 21 professors, 15 health workers related with the selected students, 35 students and 35 parents from these students.
Results: The teenage students have not sufficient risk perception about the drug consumption. The parent’s haven´t control for all activities that these students make out home and usually are drugs consumer too. Professors understand they haven´t all needed tools to help the teenage students. Health workers intervention was useful helping to teenage students.
Conclusion: Students from the schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma.” and “Seguidores de Camilo” are often consumer of drugs. They haven´t sufficient risk perception about drugs consumption and consequences. Society should assume a more active position around drug consumption prevention in the cited schools.
Teenage; Drugs Consumption; Prevention
In larges countries around the world the production and trade from no medic drugs continue being illegal. However, in some of them the consumption and possession in few quantities is legal. The use of addictive substances constitutes a big and complex problem for the society and the public health. The use of this substances has a special incidence over the families and particularly over teenage [1].
The risk and damages associated to addictions during teenage are different agreeing with the own characteristic from each drug. Nevertheless, all drugs are dangerous especially for teenage people. That’s why it is important to know motivations, knowledge and experiences from teenage people consuming no medical drugs [2].
At beginning from consumption the teenage may obtain some greatness from the drug consumption. However in short time the teenage can be closet around the drug consumption looking for the same greatness. This vicious circle carries to afford several personal and social problems in a moment from the life where less experience the people have [3].
Teenage people consuming no medical drugs often begin the consumption to avoid all problems they need afford. The inexperience and other factor carry them looking for easy solutions. This is the moment when much of them prefer the use of several drugs like tobacco, alcohol or hard drugs [4].
Much time the motivation for begin the consumption of no medical drugs is given by family problems. Much of these teenage should feel that family don´t love it or don’t take in considering because of the same reason. Trying to afford or forget these problems they are introducing itself in the dark circle of the drug consumption. Once time they become in addictive person, much of them prefer abandon home and are exposed to several social risk like exploitation and hungry for example [5].
The schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma.” and “Seguidores de Camilo” from the “10 de Octubre” municipality in Havana, Cuba, are close related with the academic teaching of teenage students. Students from these schools should be vulnerable to the drugs consumption because of the general precedence from them.
To characterize the teenage students from the schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma” and “Seguidores de Camilo” in risk about the drug consumption.
Materials and Methods
The research was made in the schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma” and “Seguidores de Camilo” from the “10 de Octubre” municipality in 2018. Like theorical methods were used the inductive – deductive and the comparative. Like theorical methods were used some asking text applied to four groups. The group one was for professors from these schools, group two for parents from the teenage asked, the group three for the teenage students and the group four for health workers related with the selected students. Like inclusive criteria for the different groups were assumed the following. Group one and group four: be working at school for at least five years, group two: be parent for some teenage student selected and group three: student from the schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma” or “Seguidores de Camilo” from the “10 de Octubre” municipality in 2018 who had consumed some illegal drug at least one time at life. The group one was selected according to the Snow Ball criteria and for the others group were selected intentionally. Finally the whole group keeps formed by 21 professors, 15 health workers related with the selected students, 35 students and 35 parents from these students.
From the application of the asking text resulted the following:
Student’s Characterization
The asking text included personal characteristics, sex, cultural level, family members, couple relations, time used in recreating activities, activities during weekends, who was hearing their personal problems, if was consuming medical drugs and who suggested, if smoke, if drink alcohol, if was consuming alcohol with other drug at same time, which drug was consuming, where may meet it, motivation to consume drugs, opinion about drugs, if friends or parents were consuming, if should need more information about drugs or any other subject.
The selected students are aged between 13 and 17 years old and the 80% of them are male and the 20% female. All they live at same municipality from the schools. The knowledge level in each case is low and all of them afford discipline problems related with school discipline, social discipline and family discipline too. 64% of the students live with their mother and the 32.5% live with their father.
The 42.6% from students prefer speak about their personal problems with their mother and the 14.28% with their father. The 31% of students were smoking while were drinking alcohol. The 11.9% of them were consuming alcohol and medical drugs at same time while the 15.87% were consuming alcohol and other drugs at same time too.
About motivations to consumption of drugs, the 11.9% referred to pass a good time and the 15.7% answered for be on top. The 54% from students haven´t a trustable criteria about drugs and it consumption. This result is not agreed with health promotions activities in TV, radio and others organized by the Public Health Minister and Educational Minister too. Nevertheless, the 86.05% from the students showed interested in what to do to abandon the drugs consumption and how help to parents consuming illegal drugs.
The Parents
A very similar asking text was applied to parent closet to selected students. In this case the 56.66% from parents born from worker parents, and the leasing from intellectual and other professionals. The 10% of these parents concluded a university study. In all cases the family isn´t whole during recreating activities. The 65% of these families prefer the beach for recreating activities.
These teenage people don´t pass good time with family. They prefer go to the beach like play for recreate activities. This option should be good. However, it is important take account that this place is associated with the use of alcohol and tobacco too.
Close to the 40% from them don´t speak about personal interesting with parents. This result is very important because family should be the best place for teenage to receive the appropriate lesson for life.
The 80% of these teenage students often are consuming legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco too. The same group coincided that in home some family member is consuming these drug and someone illegal drug too. Sons are learning more what are seeing than for what are hearing from family and school. That´s why 75% from them are assuming a favorable position respect to the drugs consumption.
Agree with the professor, the 90.4% from parents often are going to school because of these students. Thus these parents are showing real interesting in the academic formation of these students. Professors also know the recreation preferences from these students. This is because the students speak about these frequently with professors. Professors are saying that in all recreation option from the students much of them are consuming alcohol, tobacco and other drugs too.
Health Workers
In the case of the health workers related with these students, the result is interesting. Much from the students applied for the health service around drugs cessation. Initially they were looking for information about drugs and consequences. While were receiving and understanding more information the frequency increase too. Finally the students applied for help to these health workers. This success if no often, but show the real interesting from these teenage students to abandon the drug consumption.
From these result it can obtain several conclusions:
1) Students haven’t risk perception about drugs consumption. These students must win in knowledge and understanding about drugs consequences. Must understand that the use of tobacco and / or alcohol could carry them to use other drugs like cocaine for example, which addiction effects should be harder at short time [6].
2) In the students case it is important appoint that they usually smoke in recreation activities. This often consumption of tobacco should carry them at short time become in addictive person to nicotine. This dependence satisfied by tobacco carries to several damages to health and personal economy too [7,8].
3) Second, the relation between students and their parents aren´t good. This situation is determining that families much time don´t know what are making the teenage students in the free time. This uncontrolled over the teenage activities should be dangerous for family relations and parent should be much limited to help the teenage to abandon the drug consumption [9].
4) Professors understand that these students are in big risk because of the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. However, they aren´t sufficiently capacitated to help them.
Health Workers
In the case of the health workers related with these students, the result is interesting. Much from the students applied for the health service around drugs cessation. Initially they were looking for information about drugs and consequences. While were receiving and understanding more information the frequency increase too. Finally the students applied for help to these health workers. This success if no often, but show the real interesting from these teenage students to abandon the drug consumption.
From these result it can obtain several conclusions:
1) Students haven’t risk perception about drugs consumption. These students must win in knowledge and understanding about drugs consequences. Must understand that the use of tobacco and / or alcohol could carry them to use other drugs like cocaine for example, which addiction effects should be harder at short time [6].
2) In the students case it is important appoint that they usually smoke in recreation activities. This often consumption of tobacco should carry them at short time become in addictive person to nicotine. This dependence satisfied by tobacco carries to several damages to health and personal economy too [7,8].
3) Second, the relation between students and their parents aren´t good. This situation is determining that families much time don´t know what are making the teenage students in the free time. This uncontrolled over the teenage activities should be dangerous for family relations and parent should be much limited to help the teenage to abandon the drug consumption [9].
4) Professors understand that these students are in big risk because of the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. However, they aren´t sufficiently capacitated to help them.
5) The interview between health workers and students showed the relevancy from the interaction between these two groups to help the student to abandon the drug consumption.
In all case is important understand the main causes that motive the initiation and keep in drugs consumption. School should be an appropriate reference making no curricular activities around the drugs consumption and consequences. These activities must be focused in students and professor too [10].
The professors should need a special capacitating about drug consumption and consequences for teenage. Thus they will have better tools to help their students. Also, this capacitating must be often actualized for a better help to future generations [11].
The interaction between health workers and the others groups must be closer. The cited capacitating must be agreed with a closer relation between health worker, parents and professors. The health workers should be leaders in these capacitating actions, but all must be agree and work close together [12].
The society must not be ignorant about teenage drugs consumption and consequences. Teenage people should be vulnerable and all sectors should be working closer around the teenage future. This include abandon the drugs consumption. Society is called to play a more active role against drugs consumption especially during teenage [13].
Students need better recreation activities. They must understand that diversion isn´t equal to drugs consumption. Families, students and society sectors should be closer looking for much more spaces without drugs consumptions [14].
Students from the schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma.” and “Seguidores de Camilo” from the “10 de Octubre” municipality are often consumer of tobacco, alcohol and no medical drugs. The student’s haven´t sufficient risk perception about drugs consumption and consequences. Families and professors are needed some capacitating around drugs consumption and consequences to may help to these students. Society should assume a more active position around drug consumption prevention in the cited schools.
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Author Info
Dania Velázquez Ronda1, Fé Fernández Hernández 1*, Efraín Sánchez González2, Alexis Gil Lans1, Ricardo Izquierdo Medina1
1- Auxiliary Professor, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Medicals Science of Havana, Cuba.
2- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Medicals Science of Havana, Cuba.
*Corresponding Author: Fé Fernández Hernández, Auxiliary Professor, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Medicals Science of Havana, Cuba. E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright© 2020 by Hernández FF, et al. All rights reserved. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Hernández FF, et al. Characterization the Teenage Students from the Schools “Boris Luis Santa Coloma” and “Seguidores de Camilo” in Risk about the Drug Consumption. J Clin Med Res. 2020;1(2):1-7.
