Editorial Recruitment Policy

The Journal of Clinical Medical Research (JCMR) is unwavering in its commitment to advancing knowledge in clinical medical research through the dissemination of high-quality, peer-reviewed research. As stewards of academic excellence, JCMR acknowledges the critical role played by its Editorial Board in upholding the journal’s standards and guiding its scholarly direction. Thus, this Editorial Recruitment Policy outlines the principles and procedures governing the recruitment, appointment, and management of Editorial Board members, ensuring transparency, integrity, and diversity within the editorial process.

Purpose of the editorial recruitment policy

The primary objective of this policy is to establish a transparent and systematic approach to the selection of Editorial Board members. JCMR aims to maintain the highest standards of academic excellence, ethical conduct, and inclusivity within its editorial processes. By delineating clear criteria, procedures, and expectations, this policy seeks to safeguard the credibility and impact of the journal in the realm of clinical medical research.

Editorial board composition

Organizational structure

The Editorial Board of JCMR comprises the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Editorial Board Members, constituting a hierarchical structure that facilitates efficient manuscript handling while preserving the integrity of the peer-review process.

Criteria for editorial board members

Expertise: Editorial Board members are expected to possess a high level of expertise in clinical medical research, evidenced by scholarly contributions, active participation in research communities, and a profound understanding of their respective fields.

Academic credentials: A Ph.D. or equivalent qualification in a field relevant to the journal’s scope is typically required, with exceptions considered for individuals with significant practical experience and substantial contributions to the field.

Publication record: A robust and impactful publication record in reputable journals is essential to ensure a demonstrated track record of producing high-quality research.

Reviewing experience: Preference is given to candidates with a history of actively reviewing manuscripts for reputable journals, indicating their ability to provide constructive feedback and contribute to the peer-review process.

Diversity and inclusion: JCMR is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion on the Editorial Board, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives from various backgrounds, including gender, ethnicity, geography, and research focus.

Commitment to ethical standards: Demonstrated adherence to ethical standards in research and publication is paramount, encompassing issues related to plagiarism, authorship, conflicts of interest, and data integrity.

Recruitment process

Nomination procedures

Nominations for Editorial Board membership may be submitted by current Board members, researchers in the field, or through self-nomination to ensure a diverse pool of potential candidates.

Nomination documentation

Nominees are required to submit a comprehensive application package, including a CV, a statement of interest, and letters of recommendation, to provide essential insights into their qualifications and suitability for the editorial role.

Review and selection process

Initial screening: The Editorial Board conducts an initial screening of nominations to assess their alignment with JCMR’s criteria.

Evaluation criteria: Expertise, academic credentials, publication record, reviewing experience, commitment to diversity, and ethical standards serve as benchmarks for evaluating candidates.

Interview process: Shortlisted candidates may undergo interviews conducted by the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, relevant Editorial Board members, and the head of publishing for a comprehensive assessment.

Decision-making: The Editorial Board collectively deliberates on the final selection of new members, considering recommendations from the interview panel. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision, ensuring consistency with JCMR’s overarching goals and standards.

Notification and appointment

Candidates are promptly notified of the decision, and successful applicants receive an official appointment letter, ensuring transparency and initiating the onboarding process for new Editorial Board members.

Terms of service

Term duration

Editorial Board members are typically appointed for an initial term of one year, renewable upon mutual agreement for continuity, with periodic reassessment.

Renewal criteria

Renewal is contingent upon performance, contribution to the journal, adherence to ethical standards, and the evolving needs of JCMR to ensure a dynamic and goal-aligned Editorial Board.

Performance evaluation

An annual performance review assesses the contributions and effectiveness of Editorial Board members, considering factors such as the number and quality of reviews, involvement in editorial decisions, responsiveness, and adherence to ethical guidelines.

Responsibilities and expectations

Editorial Board members are expected to conduct thorough and timely manuscript reviews, actively participate in editorial decision-making, uphold ethical standards, engage with authors, and promote the journal within professional networks.

Appeals and complaints

Grievances related to editorial decisions are addressed through a structured procedure, ensuring fair and impartial dispute resolution, while conflicts of interest are managed transparently to maintain Editorial Board integrity.

Involvement with predatory journals and publishers

Involvement with predatory entities may result in removal from the Editorial Board to protect JCMR’s integrity, with clear consequences outlined to emphasize the severity of such associations.

Commitment to continuous improvement

JCMR is committed to regularly reviewing and updating this policy to stay current with evolving standards and best practices, ensuring the Editorial Board remains effective and aligned with the journal’s mission.