Maria Kuman1*
1Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN 37923, USA
*Correspondence author: Maria Kuman, Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN 37923, USA;
Email: [email protected]
Published Date: 02-04-2024
Copyright© 2024 by Kuman M. All rights reserved. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
This article was written to draw attention to the experimentally found facts that external electromagnetic fields (like microwaves) can not only lower the immune response; it can even change the type of species. This is possible because beside the material body, we have biofield – weak electromagnetic field seen as aura. My lifelong studies of the biofield (aura) found that it is weak Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (NEMF), which we can expect to be sensitive to external electromagnetic fields with wide range of frequencies, including microwaves. The Chinese scientist Dr. Kanchen found experimentally in 1961 in China that microwaves with frequency 11 GHz change the type of species. This article is a serious warning that the new microwave technologies (used in our fast internet, cellular phones and TV) when shifting to higher and higher frequencies for faster and faster internet will reach the frequency 11 GHz, which will change our DNA, turning us to a different type of species. Unfortunately, in the US we developed these technologies without studding their effect on humans. For that reason, in the US we don’t have any regulations about what should be the maximally allowed safe intensity and frequency of the fields used in these technologies (we have regulations only for ionization radiation). We need to correct this as soon as possible.
Keywords: DNA and Electromagnetic Fields; DNA and Microwaves; Microwaves Can Change DNA; Microwave Technologies Can Change DNA; Danger of Having Changed DNA
Not only our body, everything material (from elementary particles to galaxies and nebulas) is a material body and Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (NEMF1)- it comes from the way the material world was created [1]. This explains automatically why the particles sometimes behave like particles and sometimes like waves – these are the two faces of the same coin [2]. All living beings (humans, animals and plants) have a biofield – second weak Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (NEMF2). The presence of these two NEMFs makes all living beings sensitive to external electromagnetic fields (with all wavelengths, including microwaves). Considering the fact that all nonlinear fields do not dissipate and can imprint information and that the weak biofield (NEMF2) of all living beings’ rules and regulates everything in their bodies (not with its strength, but with the information it carries), we can expect the influence of external electromagnetic field to be very substantial and this is what experiments show [3,4].
Experimental Proof that Electric and Magnetic Fields Can Change the Type of Species
Dr. Levin and colleagues at Tufts University in Israel did the following experiments with Planaria worms [5]. It is well known that if you cut a Planaria Worm into two, the head half will develop a tail and the tail half will develop a head and you will have two complete worms. It is also known that every fertilized cell is becoming polarized and from the positive end of the cell the head is developed and from the negative end the tail. So, Dr. Levin decided to change the electrical polarization at the cut and see what will happen can he have worms with two heads and worms with two tails? He did. The interesting fact here was: the two-headed worms had the same DNA as the normal worms, but when reproducing the offsprings of the two-headed worms were two headed worms [5]. Therefore, it is not only the DNA, there is more to it and this more is the wave component of the material DNA, which by changing can change the type of species (even when the DNA (for time being) remains the same).
The presence of wave component in the material DNA means that physical factors, like electrical polarization, could change the type of species the two-headed worms were new species. Another example of a physical factor influencing the offsprings are the experiments done on the International Space Station, which show that bacteria could have different gene expression when the magnetic field of the Earth is not present [5]. All this indicates that in addition to the material DNA there is a field component (NEMF) of the material DNA, which makes the species sensitive to external electromagnetic fields.
The DNA and Its NEMF(DNA)
Everything material is a material body and NEMF1 specific for each material – it comes from the way the material world was created [1]. So, each DNA has its specific NEMF(DNA) and the experiments with Planaria Worms show that the species can be changed by changing just the wave component NEMF (DNA) even when the material DNA stays the same for a while. All living beings have a biofield – a weak NEMF2 magnetically attached to the NEMF1 of the material body. The adaptation of living beings to new environment is done through the NEMF of the body (NEMF = NEMF1 + NEMF2). NEMF sends waves to the new environment, which (being nonlinear field) imprints the changes in the environment and the reflected waves (with imprinted information about the new environment) tells the material body how to change to adapt to the new environment. If the required changes are too drastic, the body evolve to a new specie with new NEMF. First, the NEMF(DNA) changes and only if the environment stays the same for a long time, the changed NEMF(DNA) will lead with time to a new material DNA.
Induced DNA Changes with Microwaves 11 GHz
Dr. Kanchen did pioneering work in China on the influence of microwaves on the DNA. He showed that using microwave radiation with frequency 11 GHz he can make chickens to have duck beaks. This was done in 1961 during the time of President Mao, who disliked very much Kanchen’s experiments because they were not in agreement with the dialectic materialism of the communism. Dr. Kanchen was facing imprisonment and he immigrated to Russia, but the Russians showed no interest in his bizarre experiments. For living, he was doing acupuncture during the day and he was doing his experiments at home during the weekends. He applied for a patent, but it took the Russians 36 years to finally give him a patent for his novel, but strange findings. This was because Dr. Kanchen was too much ahead of his time [6].
On Google, I found announcement of November 2007: “Now 11 GHz services are available as FCC allows two-foot dishes”. This means that microwaves with frequency 11 GHz were technologically available in 2007 and they are already in use. Nobody seems to care that this could change our DNA (the ignorant people are blessed!). I found Chinese studies proving the harm of microwaves with frequency 9.7 GHz (5G), which were found to weaken the immune response by having a strong negative impact on the function of the spleen and thymus gland. However, Russian scientists found that microwave radiation weaken the immune system before the Chinese [7]. In America, Chinese scientists found memory impairment induced by microwaves [8].
This article provides experimental evidence that external electric and magnetic fields (and microwaves) can change the type of species. Considering this, the article lifts a red flag of warning that we need regulations for the allowed safe doses of electromagnetic radiation (including the microwaves used in our internet, cellular phones and TV technologies). Please, consider that these microwaves will change first the wave NEMF component of our DNA, which with time will sink into a change of our material DNA and nobody knows what kind of species we will turn into.
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflict of interest to declare.
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Article Type
Review Article
Publication History
Received Date: 08-03-2024
Accepted Date: 25-03-2024
Published Date: 02-04-2024
Copyright© 2024 by Kuman M. All rights reserved. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Kuman M. Electromagnetic Fields (Including Microwaves) Can Lower the Immune Response and Even Change The DNA. J Clin Immunol Microbiol. 2024;5(1):1-3.