Prof. Maria Kuman1*
1Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN, USA
*Corresponding Author: Prof. Maria Kuman, PhD, Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN, USA;
Email: [email protected]
Published Date: 23-09-2021
Copyright© 2021 by Kuman M. All rights reserved. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
The world famous virologist Luc Montagnier, who received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008 for deciphering the DNA of the HIV causing AID’s disease, said in an interview in the French documentary “Hold-up” that one of the reasons to have so many new strengths of Coronavirus are the immunizations. Many people think that this is outrageous statement, but for me the authority of the famous virologist is too high to ignore or question his statement. Is the Coronavirus tired of being weakened and used in vaccines for immunizations and is trying to evolve to something different and more efficient? But we didn’t have such problem with other immunizations like TB and other vaccines. However, their usage was not so massive or maybe Coronavirus was specially designed to mutate?
What is causing the viruses to mutate? On the first place, solar radiation does. As shown in my article, the global warming we experienced was caused by overlapping of two maxima of solar activity in 2020 the maximum of the short 11 year cycle of solar activity was coinciding with the maximum of the long cycle of solar activity of 2,562.5 years according to study of the glaciers [1]. But on December 21, 2020, 7 planets were aligned on one side of the Sun. I showed mathematically in my article that when seven planes are aligned on one side of the Sun, as it was on December 21, 2020, the sum up magnetic moments of the aligned planets would magnetically disturb the Sun asymmetrically and cause flipping of the magnetic poles of the Sun [2]. This means the Sun will start spinning in opposite direction and loosing energy, which will end the solar activity and the global warming.
With the end of the solar activity the global warming was supposed to decrease, but instead we are observing increase of the global warming. Also, with the end of the solar activity the mutation of viruses was supposed to decrease, instead we are observing increased mutations of Coronavirus. What is going on? In my article, I raise the question: if everybody knows that we use microwaves to cook and warm food, why nobody thinks that the microwaves we use in cellular phones, internet and digital TVs could be warming the atmosphere? [3]. Also, in my article, I explained that everything material is a material body and Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (NEMF), which comes from the way the material world was created [4]. The material world was created by Black Holes of anti-matter and the NEMF that was separating the matter from the anti-matter got imprinted on all material creations [4]. This makes every particle a material particle and NEMF wave at the same time, and this automatically explains why particles behave sometimes as particles, sometimes as waves [4].
All living beings (humans, animals, plants, and viruses) have second weak informational Nonlinear Electromagnetic Fields (NEMF), which is intertwined with the NEMF of the material body [5]. This second weak informational NEMF is seen as aura. If the field of the aura is weak informational field, it will be easily influenced by external informational fields like these of our internet, cellular phones, and digital TVs. My next question is: are these external informational fields (microwave techniques) influencing our own NEMF, which rules and regulates everything in the body including our immune system and also influencing the NEMF of the viruses making them to mutate to new types of viruses?
Russian studies showed that viruses manifest themselves on our aura’s NEMF, in the mm diapason and this is exactly the wavelength at which our 5G fast internet operates [6]. If so, the oncoming 5G fast internet technology can be expected to influence the NEMF of the viruses making them to mutate to new types of the Coronavirus. Also, 5G fast internet can be expected to influence our own NEMF and our ability to develop immunity even to the same modification of the Coronavirus [7,8]. This could explain the fact that people who had the virus, and were supposed to have immunity against it, are getting sick with the same virus again.
In conclusion, maybe the Coronavirus indeed got tired of being weakened and used in vaccines for immunizations and is trying to evolve to something different and more efficient. This would explain the statement of the pronoun immunologist Luc Montagnier that the use of Coronavirus in vaccines led to its mutated forms. However, being Medical Biophysicist, I also see other external factors that could cause mutation. Since Russian studies found that viruses manifest in our NEMF (seen as aura) in the mm diapason and this is exactly the wavelength of our 5G fast internet, I see the 5G fast internet as a factor, which could cause mutation of Coronavirus.
Conflicts of Interests
The authors declare that have no competing interest and not any conflict of interest.
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Article Type
Publication History
Received Date: 29-08-2021
Accepted Date: 16-09-2021
Published Date: 23-09-2021
Copyright© 2021 by Kuman M. All rights reserved. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Kuman M. The Pandemic, the Immunizations and the Mutating Viruses. J Clin Immunol Microbiol. 2021;2(3):1-3.