Maria Kuman1*
1Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN, USA
*Correspondence author: Maria Kuman, Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN, USA; Email: [email protected]
Published Date: 05-04-2023
Copyright© 2023 by Kuman M. All rights reserved. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Drinking water is very important because our body is mostly water – a fetus is 95% water, a baby is 92% water – that is why they grow so fast. Between ages 20 and 30, the water content in the body drops to 70%. Between ages 40 and 50, the water is 50%, which makes the dehydrated skin to wrinkle. At age 70, the amount of water drops to 30%. Since the bones have vertical canals with structured water, which make them flexible, after the age of 70 when the water drops under 30% the bones become brittle. That is why the quality of the water we drink is so important [1].
Always filter your water! The water is chlorinated to kill the germs in it, but be sure you always filter the chlorine out before drinking it because chlorinated water causes cancer (found in German and American studies) [2]. Always use carbon filters because it is a physical absorption without residues. Water filtered with reverse osmoses contains some residual chemicals, which sensitive individuals feel like bitter taste.
Drink a lot of water and exercise! Usually, at least 8 glasses of water are recommended per day. But if you only drink water, this will flush only your digestive system. To flush your body, you need to exercise. Szent-Gyeorgyi found and published in 1938 (one year after he took the Nobel Prize for the chemical formula of Vitamin C in 1937) that the contraction of all muscles pools water to them. So, if you want to flush the whole your body (not only the digestive system), you need to drink a lot of water and exercise [1].
Don’t drink ice water and ice drinks! Putting ice in drinks was started by entrepreneurs, who figure it out that if they put a lot of ice in the glass, they need to put 3 to 4 times less drink to fill the glass – be it alcohol or fruit juice. And surprisingly the clients liked it. From here started the habit in the US to drink everything with ice – alcohol drinks, juices, and water. What happens when somebody drinks ice drink.
The ice drinks cool the stomach. On top of the stomach are the liver and the spleen. They are blood organs – they create new blood cells and purify the blood. When they are cooled, the speed of their functioning will slow down. Thus, regular drinking of water with ice and drinks with ice, will lead to blood, which is not purified properly and is thicker. Always remember that thicker blood is a potential danger – it can result in heart attack or broken vessel in the brain, which we call stroke.
One more thing of which the doctors are completely unaware – the connection of the cataract to the liver. On one side, our science knows that the liver produces the enzyme that split the carotene into two molecules of vitamin A [3]. On the other side, it is known that vitamin A is related to vision. Therefore, our vision is related to the liver, but the connection vision-liver is missing in our medicine. It is very clearly stated in ancient Chinese books on Acupuncture and if our eyes are connected to the function of the liver, as they are, the cataract of the eyes is expected to be increased by the drinking of ice water and ice drinks, which decrease the functioning of the liver. Thus, expect more cataract among people drinking ice water and ice drinks. Expect also, as we said, more heart attacks and more strokes among them. So, it is strongly suggested not to drink ice water and ice drinks.
If drinking water and other drinks with ice makes the blood thicker, what should the people, who drank water with ice for a long time and have ticker blood, do? Is there a way they can make their blood thinner again? The answer is: Yes! – something that makes the blood thinner is lemons. The lemons stimulate the contraction of the gall bladder and a lot of bile juice is secreted, which cleanses the liver-the liver and the gall bladder are coupled organ, which means their functions are interconnected.
Thus, stop drinking water with ice and start drinking filtered water with fresh squeezed lemon juice. Lemon juice also contains Vitamin C, which boost the immune system. Thus, by drinking water with fresh lemon juice, you will not only thin your blood and improve your blood circulation, you will boost your immune system, making it stronger and ready to fight any virus regardless how mutated it is, which is very important in the Pandemic situation we have now.
If you don’t like your Soul to become sour from drinking too much lemons, add some honey to it. Research done in Europe shows that the effect of honey on the body is very different from that of sugar. Fungus feed with sugar, but all attempts to grow fungus on honey failed, which means that people with diabetes should not eat sugar, but they could eat honey. In addition, honey dilate the blood vessels, which farther improves the blood circulation [1].
Keywords: Liver; blood circulation; bile juice; water
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflict of interest to declare.
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- Kuman M. What everybody ought to know about chronic pain, chronic diseases, and cancer. Health and happiness. Books. 1993.
- Kuman M. Quantum biophysics. Sofia University Press. 1975.
Article Type
Publication History
Received Date: 13-03-2023
Accepted Date: 28-03-2023
Published Date: 05-04-2023
Copyright© 2023 by Kuman M. All rights reserved. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Kuman M. Water In the Body – The Harm of Drinking Ice Water and Ice Drinks. J Clin Immunol Microbiol. 2023;4(1):1-2.