Yagan Ali

Consultant Ophthamic Surgeon,Neuro Ophthalmology & Strabismus Surgery Manchester Royal Eye Hospital,UK [email protected]

Marco Antonio de Castro Olyntho Junior

Marco Antonio de Castro Olyntho Junior

Ophthalmologist - Private Practice, Board Certified Specialist in Ophthalmology, Brazil [email protected]

David Berkow

Department of Optometry, Berkow Optometrists, Israel [email protected]


Gowhar Ahmad

Senior Consultant, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Jammu and Kashmir, India [email protected]

Pratyush Dhakal

Department of Ophthalmology Carl Zeiss India Banglore Pvt Ltd., India [email protected]

Athanasios Nikolakopoulos

Thanasis Nikolakopoulos

Thessorasi Head Retina Surgeon, Scientific Director, Drama Ophthalmology, Day Clinic, Greece [email protected]