Copyright policy

Open access commitment

At the Journal of Clinical Medical Research (JCMR), we are steadfast in our commitment to the fundamental principles of open access publishing. This unwavering dedication ensures that all articles, upon publication, are universally accessible online. We firmly believe in eliminating financial barriers, thereby enabling a broad and diverse audience, including researchers, scholars, and the public, to benefit from the wealth of valuable scientific content we disseminate.

Author-centric copyright policy

In recognition of the invaluable intellectual contributions of our authors, JCMR has implemented an author-centric copyright policy. This policy affords authors the retention of copyright for their published articles, empowering them with the freedom to use, reproduce, and share their work without constraints. By adopting this approach, we aim to underscore our profound respect for the intellectual property of the individuals behind the research.

Wide distribution with proper attribution

The retention of copyright by authors not only serves to acknowledge their intellectual property rights but also facilitates wider distribution of their work. Authors are encouraged to freely disseminate their research findings, ensuring that the scientific community and the general public alike can benefit from their insights. However, it is imperative that proper attribution is maintained, thereby giving due credit to the original authors.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

To formalize our steadfast commitment to openness and accessibility, all articles newly published in JCMR are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This licensing framework empowers users with the liberty to utilize, distribute, and reproduce the content in any medium, provided that appropriate citation to the original work is provided. This licensing approach is fully aligned with our overarching mission to cultivate a collaborative and accessible research environment.

Fostering collaborative research

By embracing the principles of open access and implementing an author-centric copyright policy, we aspire to foster a collaborative research environment at JCMR. We firmly believe that knowledge should be freely shared to advance scientific understanding. Our approach actively encourages researchers to engage in open dialogue, share insights, and collectively contribute to the advancement of clinical medical research. Through these concerted efforts, we aim to catalyze transformative progress in the field and drive meaningful innovation for the betterment of society.