Citation Policy


At Journal of Clinical Medical Research (JCMR), we are dedicated to fostering integrity and transparency in scholarly research through our citation policy. Our guidelines are designed to ensure that references in submitted manuscripts are used ethically and appropriately. Authors are expected to adhere to the following comprehensive principles,

Clear and appropriate citation

  • Authors must meticulously cite all material borrowed from other sources, including their own previously published work, within the manuscript. Clear and accurate citation not only acknowledges the intellectual contributions of others but also helps readers to locate the referenced material for further examination or verification.
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce any previously published content in their manuscript, demonstrating respect for copyright laws and intellectual property rights.

Avoid excessive self-citation

While acknowledging one’s own previous work is important, authors should exercise restraint to avoid excessive self-citation. Overly frequent references to one’s own publications may create the appearance of self-promotion and can compromise the objectivity of the research.

Read before citing

Authors are expected to engage critically with the literature they cite, ensuring that they have thoroughly read and comprehended the content of the works referenced in their manuscript. Merely including citations without a deep understanding of the cited material risks misrepresentation or misinterpretation of the referenced work.

Impartial citation practices

  • It is essential for authors to maintain impartiality in their citation practices. Citations should be based solely on the scholarly merit and relevance of the referenced work, rather than on personal relationships, affiliations, or biases.
  • Authors should refrain from disproportionately citing their own, their friends’, peers’, or institution’s publications, as such practices can introduce bias and undermine the credibility of the research.

Avoid citations from advertisements

Citations sourced from advertisements or advertorial material are deemed inappropriate for scholarly manuscripts. References should originate from reputable scholarly sources and contribute substantively to the scientific rigor and validity of the manuscript’s content.

Quotation marks for direct quotes

Direct quotes from other researchers’ publications, including the author’s own work, must be clearly delineated within the manuscript using quotation marks. Proper attribution with accurate citations is crucial for maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism.

Cope recommendations

Authors are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the discussion document on citation manipulation published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This resource provides valuable insights and recommendations for upholding ethical citation practices in scholarly publishing.

By adhering to these comprehensive citation guidelines, authors play a pivotal role in upholding the integrity and credibility of the scientific literature. At JCMR, we are committed to promoting ethical scholarship and ensuring that all contributions to our journal adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity and transparency.