Manuscript Withdrawal Policy


The Journal of Clinical Medical Research (JCMR) upholds a policy concerning the withdrawal of submitted manuscripts, recognizing the significance of maintaining integrity and efficiency in the publication process. While authors are strongly urged to avoid withdrawing manuscripts after submission, instances may arise where withdrawal becomes necessary. In such cases, the following procedures must be adhered to in a transparent and accountable manner:

Withdrawal request initiation

  • Authors must formally request the withdrawal of their manuscript by submitting a signed request to the Editor-in-Chief of JCMR.
  • The withdrawal request should provide clear and concise reasons for the decision to withdraw the manuscript.

Editorial review and approval

  • The Editor-in-Chief will carefully review the withdrawal request, considering the reasons provided by the authors.
  • Upon acceptance of the withdrawal request, the editorial office will issue an official manuscript withdrawal letter to the authors.

Timing considerations

  • Manuscript withdrawal is generally discouraged, particularly after submission for peer review, due to the resources and time invested in the evaluation process.
  • It is considered unethical to withdraw a manuscript after it has been sent for peer review, as it disrupts the scholarly exchange and evaluation process.

No imposition of fees

JCMR does not impose any fees for the withdrawal of manuscripts. Authors can rest assured that there will be no financial penalties associated with the withdrawal process.

By following these outlined procedures, authors can ensure a transparent and respectful handling of their manuscript withdrawal requests, maintaining the integrity of the publication process at JCMR.